Jubee: Two things we offer. We offer training, support, and that’s obvious. But what we also offer is a community.
Jared: After they finish the program, let’s say they get a job, is there an alumni association?
Jubee: Oh, yes.
Jared: Do they keep in touch with each other? Do y’all follow up?
Jubee: For sure, for sure. And that’s what I tell to them. Actually, I was talking about this, this morning. It’s two things we offer. We offer training, support, and that’s obvious. But what we also offer is a community. Because don’t forget, Jared, we focus on people with no IT background. So they don’t have a community, they don’t have a network in this industry. They probably have another career before they came to us, but they haven’t had a chance to build a network around technology. So that’s what we offer to them, to tap into our community of alumni, of instructors, to be able to start growing and leveraging that community. So definitely, we have students who come back to support as TAs, just to encourage current students. So yeah, our community is vibrant and growing.